Around the world

Across the world, citizens and organisations are standing up to be counted, demanding a greater stake in how our economies are run.

Some are even joining local forces to rally for our first big moment: 10 years on from the financial crash. You can create your own local action, or join one that is already happening.


Our group is made up of a range of organisations including NGOs, civil society organisations, trade union and community groups and individual members. To mark 10 years on we are holding an exhibition which captures the creativity of the social movements and campaigns in their resistance to austerity cuts in Ireland which were imposed as a result of global financial crash and bank bailout.   Organisations involved so far : Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (DDCI), Attac Ireland, Spectacle of Defiance and Hope, SIPTU, Anglo Not Our Debt, Galway One World Centre.

Our group is made up of a range of organisations including NGOs, civil society organisations, trade union and community groups and individual members. To mark 10 years on we are holding an exhibition which captures the creativity of the social movements and campaigns in their resistance to austerity cuts in Ireland which were imposed as a result of global financial crash and bank bailout.


Organisations involved so far :

Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (DDCI), Attac Ireland, Spectacle of Defiance and Hope, SIPTU, Anglo Not Our Debt, Galway One World Centre.

Belgium (Liège)

There will be two major sets of events in Liège. (1) A ‘Let’s control finance’ weekend on 14-15 and 16 September, with an interactive exhibition ‘Musée du Capitalisme’, street actions including singing hijacked songs, a ‘control finance’ picnic, a debate on what to do with banks and the captation of the play Money! on Saturday, a brunch with short films on financial issues on Sunday. (2) A festival called ‘Krach dedans’ from 10 to 27 October with films, plays, public debates, including a now internationally famous ‘conférence gesticulée’ Chronique d’une ex-banquière by Aline Farès and the play Études. The Elephant in the Room by Françoise Bloch.   Organisations involved so far : Liège (1) Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et l’action citoyenne ATTAC-Liège with Centre du Beau-Mur, Comité pour l’annulation des dettes illégitimes CADTM, Aquilone, Théâtre universitaire royal de Liège TURLg; (2) Centre d’Action laïque CAL Liège and Théâtre de Liège at Cité Miroir.

There will be two major sets of events in Liège. (1) A ‘Let’s control finance’ weekend on 14-15 and 16 September, with an interactive exhibition ‘Musée du Capitalisme’, street actions including singing hijacked songs, a ‘control finance’ picnic, a debate on what to do with banks and the captation of the play Money! on Saturday, a brunch with short films on financial issues on Sunday. (2) A festival called ‘Krach dedans’ from 10 to 27 October with films, plays, public debates, including a now internationally famous ‘conférence gesticulée’ Chronique d’une ex-banquière by Aline Farès and the play Études. The Elephant in the Room by Françoise Bloch.


Organisations involved so far :
Liège (1) Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et l’action citoyenne ATTAC-Liège with Centre du Beau-Mur, Comité pour l’annulation des dettes illégitimes CADTM, Aquilone, Théâtre universitaire royal de Liège TURLg; (2) Centre d’Action laïque CAL Liège and Théâtre de Liège at Cité Miroir.


All people and groups who want to take back control of our future are invited to take action from September 8th till September 15th 2018. During this week, various organizations and networks will be present and involved. Everyone will be able to find their place to initiate a large grassroots movement capable of taking back control of finance and thus of our future. French call   Organisations involved so far:, Alternatiba, Attac, ANV, CRID, Energies partagées, les Amis de la terre, Secours Catholique, Solidaires, Institut Veblen

All people and groups who want to take back control of our future are invited to take action from September 8th till September 15th 2018. During this week, various organizations and networks will be present and involved. Everyone will be able to find their place to initiate a large grassroots movement capable of taking back control of finance and thus of our future. French call


Organisations involved so far:, Alternatiba, Attac, ANV, CRID, Energies partagées, les Amis de la terre, Secours Catholique, Solidaires, Institut Veblen


On September 15th, we will protest in front of the Stock Exchange in Frankfurt. As an important financial institution, it stands for a fundamentally wrong prioritisation, for the primacy of shareholder value over democracy, social needs and ecological boundaries. The protest consists of an impressive action. A large, pale-faced crowd pulls a surdimensional bull and bear – symbols of financialised capitalism – towards the Stock exchange. There something unexpected happens. With united force they free themselves, get back what belongs to them – houses, education, health services, water… The protest weekend starts with a public discussion organised by Attac on the issue on the 14th of September. A book tour throughout 10 cities in the first two weeks of September, presenting a book written in international collaboration, mobilises for the 15.09.

On September 15th, we will protest in front of the Stock Exchange in Frankfurt. As an important financial institution, it stands for a fundamentally wrong prioritisation, for the primacy of shareholder value over democracy, social needs and ecological boundaries. The protest consists of an impressive action. A large, pale-faced crowd pulls a surdimensional bull and bear – symbols of financialised capitalism – towards the Stock exchange. There something unexpected happens. With united force they free themselves, get back what belongs to them – houses, education, health services, water… The protest weekend starts with a public discussion organised by Attac on the issue on the 14th of September. A book tour throughout 10 cities in the first two weeks of September, presenting a book written in international collaboration, mobilises for the 15.09.


There will be an event in front of the Italian Stock Exchange in Milano on September the 14th. It is still to be defined the kind of event, most probably it will be an artistic performance and a small event.   Organisations involved so far: Fondazione Finanza Etica (FFE)

There will be an event in front of the Italian Stock Exchange in Milano on September the 14th. It is still to be defined the kind of event, most probably it will be an artistic performance and a small event.


Organisations involved so far:
Fondazione Finanza Etica (FFE)


We organise the Alternative Finance Festival on 14-15-16 September to showcase the initiatives, visions and practices that make finance just, sustainable and servient to society. Anyone (individual or organisation) is welcome to organise their own event as part of this grassroots festival!   Organisations involved so far: Our New Economy (ONE), De Grote Transitie (DGT) Transnational Institute (TNI), Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL), Milieudefensie (MD), Good Finance, Rethinking Economics NL (RE:NL), Ons Geld, New Financial Forum (NFF), Jongeren Milieu Actief (JMA)

We organise the Alternative Finance Festival on 14-15-16 September to showcase the initiatives, visions and practices that make finance just, sustainable and servient to society. Anyone (individual or organisation) is welcome to organise their own event as part of this grassroots festival!


Organisations involved so far:
Our New Economy (ONE), De Grote Transitie (DGT) Transnational Institute (TNI), Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO), Sustainable Finance Lab (SFL), Milieudefensie (MD), Good Finance, Rethinking Economics NL (RE:NL), Ons Geld, New Financial Forum (NFF), Jongeren Milieu Actief (JMA)


We’re a collection of organisations which any group with relevant interests is welcome to join.   Organisations involved so far: Edinburgh World Justice Festival, Global Justice Now

We’re a collection of organisations which any group with relevant interests is welcome to join.


Organisations involved so far:
Edinburgh World Justice Festival, Global Justice Now

United Kingdom

We’re a broad spectrum of civil society representing millions demanding an economy that works for people and planet.   Organisations involved so far: Stamp Out Poverty, Unite the Union, Positive Money UK, Global Justice Now, Christian Aid, Christians on the Left, War on Want, Rethinking Economics UK, Jubilee Debt Campaign

We’re a broad spectrum of civil society representing millions demanding an economy that works for people and planet.


Organisations involved so far:
Stamp Out Poverty, Unite the Union, Positive Money UK, Global Justice Now, Christian Aid, Christians on the Left, War on Want, Rethinking Economics UK, Jubilee Debt Campaign

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