Our group is made up of a range of organisations including NGOs, civil society organisations, trade union and community groups and individual members. To mark 10 years on we are holding an exhibition which captures the creativity of the social movements and campaigns in their resistance to austerity cuts in Ireland which were imposed as a result of global financial crash and bank bailout. Organisations involved so far : Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (DDCI), Attac Ireland, Spectacle of Defiance and Hope, SIPTU, Anglo Not Our Debt, Galway One World Centre.
Our group is made up of a range of organisations including NGOs, civil society organisations, trade union and community groups and individual members. To mark 10 years on we are holding an exhibition which captures the creativity of the social movements and campaigns in their resistance to austerity cuts in Ireland which were imposed as a result of global financial crash and bank bailout.
Organisations involved so far :
Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (DDCI), Attac Ireland, Spectacle of Defiance and Hope, SIPTU, Anglo Not Our Debt, Galway One World Centre.