Who's behind it

We are a network of non-profit organisations and activists from more than 67 countries and 6 continents, and we’re growing.

We are not an NGO ourselves but bring together charities, campaigning groups, think tanks, environmental groups, religious organisations and trade unions, who represent millions of people across Europe and the world.

We are academics, financiers, and engaged citizens. We recognise that finance impacts our lives in many different ways.

And to get the society we want, we must come together to change finance.

We are united in our belief that not only is this desirable, but achievable and necessary.


What we do

Change Finance is a civil society network, with an action-oriented coalition at its core. We are dedicated to transforming the finance system so that it serves people and the planet.

The network brings together people and organisations to:

1. Build a consistent and compelling story about why finance needs to change in order to deal with the big social, economic and environmental challenges we’re facing today.

2. Frame a consolidated vision on how to transform the financial system, by presenting policy ideas and alternatives.

3. Identify opportunities to collectively mobilise, campaign and take action together to have an impact.

4. Support each other in complementary work: via skills sharing, endorsements and events.


Our mission

Over a decade ago, banks got bailed out and the public got sold out.

We didn’t cause the crash but we paid a heavy price. Lost jobs, stagnant pay and less money for schools and hospitals.

Our financial system remains as rigged and dangerous as ever, from casino trading to recklessly funding fossil fuel projects, treating nature as free to waste.

We believe that:

– The role of the financial system needs to change so that it serves all people and the planet, instead of being their master.

– The rules, culture and behaviour within the financial sector need to change. It needs to be regulated and incentivised to be stable and serve the public interest, instead of being self-serving and short-termist.

– The financial sector needs to have its power over governments reined in. Financial lobbying and political influence must be curtailed so that policymakers can protect the public interest through robust rule-making.

Now, on the edge of another crisis, it’s time our politicians take action.


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